The Ca'ari and the Dome of Oneness in Creation and Balance

The Ca'ari of Ecuador are lineage holders who have been on this planet over 10,000 years.

They have already been creating active ceremonies at TOSA Blue Mountain and will be consecrating the Sacred Dome as well as sharing ceremony with us on the Equinox at the WWA March 21 Global Summit.

The Sacred Dome of Creation and Balance

will be at the heart of all WWA Global Equinox Summit and all future events Summits and TOSA events. This dome will be a structure that connects all who enter to our nourishment of our beautiful planet with the expanded consciousness of ascended presence.

The Ca?ari will be blessing the entire process of the creation of this dome through sacred ceremony.

The center of the dome will hold the seed of Divine Creation and will expand into a hand painted mural anchoring the equilateral cross of perfect balance and be ringed by four smaller connected domes which serve as stages and sacred markers to each of the four directions.

This project will be ground zero for awakening consciousness on our planet at a time when we must anchor this energy to benefit all.

Are you ready to support the dome project and support ground zero of consciousness for the whole planet?

Magic Is Unfolding!

The energy of our connection to the earth will be unified with ascended presence and consciousness to create a stunning site for the WWA Global Equinox Summit as well as future summits and TOSA events.

The Ca?ari are not well known yet they are carrying a level of consciousness unparalleled around the planet. Through the connection with the Ca?ari and our conscious community will be creating ground zero for a greater consciousness for our entire planet.
Stay Tuned for more updates on our News page about the Ca?ari , the Dome, and so much more!

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Tosa Blue Mountain Sanctuary Consecrating the Dome of Oneness

TOSA Blue Mountain Ecuador, the site of the summit, is ground zero for ascension energies and serves as a portal of connection to our heritage. At the top of this mountain is the temple known by the ancient indigenous lineage of the Ca?ari as the lost temple.

This is a video of the 11-21-20 Pachamanca Ceremony with the Ca?ari Elders of the Andes, Ecuador at TOSA Blue Mountain Sanctuary to consecrate the Dome of Oneness. The Dome of Oneness is far from a singular structure for the WWAGlobal Summit, it is a physical symbol emanating from the heart of the world, radiating out in the four directions, and sending a clear signal that the time is now to celebrate ALL and "The One."

UPDATE: 11/26/2020
Ecuador's Ministry of Health Reports that Ecuador's death rate is nearly back to pre-pandemic levels. The COVID-19 pandemic was successfully contained and limited. Sensible restrictions remain in place, such as the requirements to wear masks, social distancing and to take temperature of people entering public spaces. Ecuador's borders are open to tourists. TOSA Blue Mountain is a safe, clean, all in-clusive destination location. Our safety protocols meet or exceed international standards, TBM is COVID-19 Free.