Master Lady Kira Raa

For over 19 years Kira Raa has dedicated her life to the upliftment and remembrance of the Consciousness Mastery within each of us! Through her undeniable connection to the Archangels and the Ascended Masters, she comes forward assisting any and The ALL, To know! To remember! To celebrate BE-ing on this this moment. Radio show host of Soul MIrrors and Co-host of Sri & Kira LIVE, she is also a monthly columnist and keeper of the lineage of Ascended Numerology.

A very well known and highly respected Master Intuitive she has assisted 1000's to discover their own mastery through the accuracy and pure stream of energy she emits, she is often referred to as the teacher's teacher. Her journey is inspiring! Together with her husband Sri Ram Kaa they share the Yoga of Self-Ascension through the Art of Ascended Living.

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