Amy Cheryl

Amy Cheryl, Founder of Women's Worth Academy (WWA), is a modern day medicine women and intuitive offering retreats and programs that liberates and heals women from the internal prison of societal programming to live your life unapologetically expressed, relaxed and on YOUR terms Restoring Your Joyful Magical Feminine.
She has shared the stage with global leaders such as Marianne Williamson and touches the hearts with her deep spiritual women's wisdom. She is the embodiment of her message speaking all over the US and Dubai, and has been published in a plethora of media.
"Re-member who you are...A Queen of Earth Magic and Stars..." ~ Amy Cheryl
Title: Understanding The Ways of the Women for Unstoppable Success
Presentation Description: Would you like to learn how to live a life where ALL comes to you with ease and grace, feeling calm, clear and confident no matter WHAT the circumstances? Desire to live a life where you are in FULL trust of yourself, eradicating self-doubt and second guessing your decisions, and living a life in your ?beingness? vs. your mental mind where you can relax, receive and be deeply supported always?
With Amy Cheryl, you will discover: The truth behind why we, as women, doubt ourselves and where it comes from; learn the instant tools to have power over your mental mind vs. it having power over you; Keys to discern the difference between your mental mind and your body wisdom (intuitive mind) or decisive decision making that you feel great about every time!; come home to the Clarity and Confidence You Crave Claiming Your Crown!
Title: The Feminine Way for High Frequency Living: Clearing your Energy for Clarity and Confidence
Presentation Description: Do you often feel foggy headed, and confused yet don?t know why? Do you find yourself sometimes drained and depleted and can?t seem to get back to feeling replenished, relaxed and restored?
In this talk, you will receive a deeper insight into what the Global Frequency Game is. Learn how to ?run?, clear, and protect your energy and be able to discern what is yours and what isn?t, so that you may replenish your energies towards Mastery. Learn powerful Ritual Practices to zap out the energy you don?t want and fill yourself up with what you do! And discover the #1 Secret to Master giving yourself permission to Rise yourself up (and in return, others too!) and not feel bad while letting go of what is weighing you down.